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Bulk actions in Timely
Bulk actions in Timely

Save time by editing projects, time entries and tags in groups

Lisa avatar
Written by Lisa
Updated over 3 weeks ago

Plans 💳 : Varies

User Permissions 👥: Varies
For legacy plans, please refer to the article here.

Friday arrives and you’re at the end of a week where nothing has gone right. The bathtub has overflowed, your coffee order has been made wrong more than once and you’ve logged all your hard-worked hours under the wrong project with the wrong tags. Visions of precious weekend hours spent transferring each logged hour individually to the correct project and updating tags flash before your eyes.

Not for long. Bulk actions in Timely mean that you can update those projects and tags quickly and easily, leaving the bathtub and coffee as your only concerns heading into the weekend.

Bulk updating tags

The way you gather entries you want to edit in Timely will depend on the way they're grouped. You’ll also have the option of pulling this information from an individual project’s “Timesheet” tab or from within the Reports tab in Timely.

There is an "untagged" preset within your filters which lets you search for all untagged entries. If you need to narrow things down, you can also search for entries against these Timely properties:

  • Clients & Projects

  • Users

  • Teams

  • Tags

  • Projects Only

  • Clients Only

You can either click on entries individually or filter by user, project or tag name to select a group of entries. Once the necessary entries have been selected in your report, click the "Update tags" button, search for the tag that needs to be added and click the "Update" button to finish. This will replace all selected entries with the new tags; any existing tags on the entries will be replaced.

Here's how that looks in action:

Bulk updating time entry states

Within Timely there are a few default time states such as "Billed" or "Logged" as well "Locked" or "Unlocked". The "Logged" status is default and indicates the entry in question has not had any other status applied.

For those on a Premium or Unlimited subscription plan, you also have the ability to create and define your own custom time entry states.

Need to go through and update a slate of time entries from one time entry state to another? No problem!

Bulk assigning the "Locked" time entry state

If you need to make sure hours don't get updated without changing their status as "Billed" or "Logged", you can assign the "Locked" entry state to time entries preventing further changes.

From the Timesheet tab in Projects, individual user Pages or Reports, or on an individual user's timeline, select individual or hours in bulk then update the state to "Locked", or whichever custom state you've configured with the locked attribute.

Note: By default, both Managers and Admins can lock hours but only Admins can unlock previously locked hours.

Bulk assigning the "Billed" time entry state

If you need to update the status of hours as either “Billed” or “Logged”, you can use the same steps to group your entries. Either narrow them down using the various filter options. If you are on a Starter subscription plan, you'll see the options to show "Billed" or "Logged" entries specifically, those folks on Premium or Unlimited will see a drop down to select and filter more broadly by entry state.

From there, click either "Billed" or "Logged" to make your changes, then click "Update" to finish:

Note: The ability to mark hours as billed can vary between subscription plans and is limited to admin or manager level users by default. For those without this feature, you may consider leveraging the "locked" function mentioned above instead. ​

Bulk updating projects

You can move hours in bulk from one project to another either from an individual project page or from within Timely’s Reports tab.

From within an individual project, first click the “Timesheets” tab and filter for the user for whom you’ll be moving the hours. Either use the checkbox at the top of the chart to select all hours or check off the individual entries you want to update. Once you have all the hours you need to move selected, click “Update Project” and choose the destination for these hours, then click “Update” to make the change:

Important considerations: You can only move hours from one project to another, for one user at a time. If you need to move hours for multiple users - you'll need to do so one user at a time.

It should also be noted that when moving hours in bulk between projects, any Tags assigned to those hours must be assigned to both projects.

If you know that a number of hours have been logged to the wrong project over a period of time, you can also create a custom report in Timely to filter for those specifically by date.

Tip: To make the set-up as easy as possible, we’d recommend filtering for one user at a time.

With your filters set-up, add a new Projects widget to the report as a table. From there, use the checkbox at the top of the table or select individual entries then click “Update Project” to find a new home for these entries and click “Update” to send them on their way:

Note: There are additional limitations to consider with these bulk actions:

  • The user you’re moving entries for has to be a part of the project you’re trying to send the hours to.

  • Tags and projects cannot be updated in bulk at the same time.

  • If you’ve already marked your entries as “Billed”, they cannot be moved. An Admin will need to unmark the hours as “Billed” before moving them to a new project. If they’ve been invoiced with QuickBooks Online, the invoice they’re associated with will need to be voided to release the hours.

Bulk updating time entries from the Hours Dashboard

Timely has rolled out a number of enhancements and improvements directly to your timeline with the goal of making your life easier than ever 🚀.

Copying or moving multiple time entires to another day or days

Need to select ALL the time entries for an entire day? Click the selector checkbox that appears next to that day on your timeline.

You'll also see the option to bulk copy ALL the hours from that day to another day or days of your choosing. Along side this, you can choose to move those same hours to another day if needed as well.

Bulk updating a time entry's assigned Project

From the Hours Dashboard, you can now select the specific time entries in bulk that you'd like to re-assign to another project. Simply click the selector box that appears when hovering over these entries and then select a new project from the "Update project" dropdown, before clicking "Update" to confirm.

Bulk updating a time entry's assigned Tags

Similarly to updating the project for a time entry, you can also select the appropriate Tags for multiple entries in just a few clicks. Select the appropriate time entries by clicking the selector box that appears when hovering over, select the needed Tags from the "Update tags" drop down (you can select as many as you'd like), and then finalize by clicking "Update".

Bulk updating a time entry's time state

The final bulk update option available in the Hours Dashboard is entry state. Need to lock a few entries after billing? Prefer to process and mark down payroll when viewing Hours directly? No problem!

Similar to the other update options, you'll want to hover over the time entries in question, click the selector box that appears when hovering, then select the new time entry state from the "Update state" dropdown before clicking "Update" to finalize.

Deleting time entries

Mistakes can happen to the best of us! If you'd need to bulk delete time entries we've got you covered 🗑️. From the Hours Dashboard, simply hover over the time entries in question and click the selector box that appears. Once you've selected all your time entries, click the "Delete" button, and click "Proceed" to confirm.

🚨 Deleting time entries is permanent and can NOT be un-done. Please make sure you've carefully selected just those time entries which should be completely removed. Once this action is taken the data can not be recovered.

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